The Liebster Award!

24 Apr

Liebster Award

I logged into my email this morning and saw that I had a new comment on my blog. Comments are always awesome (unless they are spam…but sometimes those are awesome for their hilarity) because it means people are actually reading your blog. This one was a double dose of awesome because it turns out I was nominated by a fellow blogger for a Liebster Award. A special thank you and shout out goes to Little Bit Sweet for the nomination. It’s a special nomination for bloggers who have less than 200 followers. It helps get your name out there, and potentially increase your following. You aren’t in any way obligated to participate, but I think it’s a sweet and simple way to spread the word about blogs that interest you!

The rules:

  1. Thank the person that nominated you and answer the 11 questions posted by your nominator.
  2. Pass the award to 11 bloggers with <200 followers and ask them 11 questions to answer.
  3. Display the Liebster award in your post.

Here’s my list of questions from my nominator:

1. What’s one thing on your “bucket list”?

I’d honestly love to someday own a little pub or a food truck. It would be awesome to provide people with a cozy atmosphere where they could grab a home cooked bite to eat while enjoying a really good beer. So many people eat pre-made or convenience meals, totally neglecting any nutritional value and totally missing the point of a good meal – to sit down and ENJOY some from scratch cooking.
2. Name something you’re proud of.

I’m proud of how far I’ve come in my 32 years with my cooking skills. I feel like my cooking methods mimic my Bubba’s. From scratch cooking that is healthy, tastes good, and fills you up.

3. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

This mostly depends on what is going on. Do I want to stay up till 2am just for giggles? Nope. But if I’m entertained and in enjoyable company, 2am can come around quick. That being said, the latest I seem to sleep in is around 8am. And that’s usually after a 1 or 2am evening out! So I guess I’m both! Is that even possible? Must be.

4. Worst cooking disaster has been…

This would probably be the time I made a batch of english muffin bread…..and forgot to put in the yeast. I pulled the bread out of the oven and couldn’t imagine why I had 2 flat dense loaves of bread. When making a yeast bread, you have to add the yeast. Oops.

5. What inspires you?

People who are trying to get back to the basics. Simple, healthy meals. Canning and preserving. Growing your own foods.

6. If you could visit any time era, which would it be?

This may or may not have something to do with the fact that I’ve been sucked into the awesomeness that is Mad Men, but the 1950’s. I don’t like that women are talked down to and looked at as secondary to the males, but I LOVE the clothing, the parties, the music, and the fact that they always have booze around!

7. What trait do you find most valuable in others?

Honesty. I can’t stand people who are full of BS or lie. I’m bluntly honest, so I kind of want other people to be honest with me too.

8. If you could tell your 8yr old self something, what would it be?

Don’t EVER get a credit card. EVER. Seriously. No matter how grown up you think it is or how awesome the lure of spending money you don’t actually have is, fight it. Because it is so not awesome when you get the bill each month. Especially when you get to the point where you can’t remember what the hell you bought.

9. Favorite book or tv show:

This is way too hard to narrow down. But just to name one, I love the Sookie Stackhouse Series. They are easy reading, great for the imagination, and even better – I get to watch the show the books helped create – True Blood. I dig science fiction, vampires, werewolves, the realm of Fae. I’m a little bit nerdy. I’m ok with it.

10. How long have you been blogging?

Oh gosh, a little over a year. I started blogging as a way to share recipes with family and friends because it was just easier to do it on a website than to try to remember to email a recipe to someone.

11. What’s your best blogging advice?

Blog about what matters to you, in your own voice. Do it because you want to, not because you are looking to have a gazillion followers.

And now, here are those that I nominated for an award! I won’t lie. There are some that have more than 200 followers, but I feel like they deserve recognition, and sharing!

Lightly Crunchy

Dinner is Served

Recipes Happen

The Food and Wine Hedonist

So Woodsy

Craft it. Bake it.

My Rubber Boots

Farmhouse 38

Shenandoah Valley Homesteader

Nutty Kitchen

Homemaking in the Last Frontier

My questions for you:

1. If you could live anywhere, and money were not an issue, where would you live and why?

2. What is your go to meal when you’re having people over?

3. If a zombie apocalypse were to actually happen, would your strategy be to hunker down in your home and wait it out, or pack up what you can and seek a more secure form of shelter? (the zombie apocalypse version could vary – 28 Days Later scenario where they die off – best case. Worst case – Walking Dead where they NEVER DIE!!!)

4. What is your favorite music to cook to?

5. What’s your biggest pet peeve?

6. Describe your blog in on sentence.

7. If you could have celebs over for a dinner party, who would be your top 3 invitees?

8. For the rest of your life, you can only watch one movie. What movie would that be?

9. If your life were a sitcom, what would the show title be?

10. Beef or chicken?

11. What do you do to relax?

13 Responses to “The Liebster Award!”

  1. thefoodandwinehedonist April 24, 2013 at 4:24 pm #

    Thanks for the mention! I haven’t done one of these in ages and your questions seem fun…Can’t guarantee I’ll answer them honestly, though.

    • seasonedwithsarcasm April 24, 2013 at 5:39 pm #

      It’s ok to BS and sensationalize your responses. How will I truly know??? lol

  2. Heidi @ lightlycrunchy April 24, 2013 at 4:45 pm #

    Congrats! I always like to find out that others have disasters in the kitchen as well. I’ll have to think a bit about these.

    • seasonedwithsarcasm April 24, 2013 at 5:40 pm #

      Thanks! And I’m glad my questions require deep thought. Every once in awhile, it is nice to ponder!

  3. Lisa Stimmell April 24, 2013 at 4:54 pm #

    Congrats Heather 🙂 This is great, and if you ever open a pub, I’m in. I lived in England/Scotland long enough to learn to appreciate the atmosphere and the people of my village pub. Add your cooking and it would be a hit. And if your into werewolves, fae, and vampires…I have a personal library of over 650 books and about 75% is that genre

  4. Katie April 24, 2013 at 6:48 pm #

    Congrats on the award! You deserve it! 🙂

  5. foxywholefoodie April 24, 2013 at 6:51 pm #

    Congrats! I love seeing this award make it’s way through the blogs as it’s a great way to find other blogs to read and interact with! 🙂


  1. Blog Awards Reimagined | The Food and Wine Hedonist - April 29, 2013

    […] So Heather at Seasoned with Sarcasm nominated me for the Liebster award… […]

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